The Conscious Investor

Ep496 It's Free & Simple: Be Kind & Encouraging

Julie Holly

How often do we overlook the importance of cheering for those who seem to have it all together? Reflecting on a thought-provoking social media post, I dive into the profound impact of encouragement for everyone—thriving or struggling. Through personal stories and insights, I challenge the notion that only those visibly in need deserve our support. Discover how unconditional encouragement can transform relationships and communities, making kindness a universal currency. 

Positive feedback can be a lifeline, especially during high-stress periods and extensive travel. In this enlightening episode, I discuss why leaders and successful individuals also require external validation. Learn the transformative power of kindness and how offering support without labels can foster inclusivity and growth. Join me on this journey of building a more supportive world and find out how to get your hands on a free copy of "Beyond Financial Freedom" to further enrich your path to personal development.

Speaker 1:

Hello, conscious Investor, and welcome back. I'm your host, julie Hawley. For over four years, I've paired my background in real estate, investing, education and coaching to create powerful content for you each week. This podcast is where we take a holistic approach to investing by focusing on three ingredients to a life of personal freedom health, mindset and wealth. We'll talk about everything from passive investing through syndication and how to use your retirement accounts to boost your investing, to mineral balancing and gut brain health, and into topics that cultivate your inner strength and resilience so you can thrive regardless of any of life's current events. And yes, those are all episodes currently available and linked in the show notes below. Join me each Monday for a mindset episode and later in the week for an interview with expert investors and health professionals, so that you can experience your greatest health, strongest mindset and build the wisest wealth. Welcome back, or welcome to the Conscious Investor Podcast. I'm always grateful to spend this time with you Every Monday morning. It feels special because I don't have a guest. It's just you and I, conscious Investor, and we get to talk about things that matter, things that help us tick internally and show up to the world more powerfully, more beautifully, more vibrantly, and I absolutely love that and look forward to it so much. In fact. Today we're going to be talking about something right, free and feels good. Encourage everyone. I don't know about you, conscious Investor, but I can always go for a big serving of encouragement.

Speaker 1:

And recently something caught me off social media. It snagged my attention. It kind of got under my skin and I really appreciate it when things do that, and the reason I appreciate that is because that means it's pushing in on something inside of me and that that gentle lean in or sometimes not so gentle lean in is an indicator that it's tapped something. It's like wait, what is that? Why isn't this just flowing and passing through me? Why is that actually causing tension or friction of some sort? And it piques my curiosity at this point in life when that happens. And so when I caught this post over on one of the social platforms, it caught my attention. Now I don't like to act like a troll and I do like to live with the concept of be generous with kindness, and so in the process, I did respond to the person's post and I tried to keep it as friendly as possible. I was friendly. I am confident that I was friendly and that my tone was appropriate and kind, but it led to so much more thought about encouragement. In a moment, I want to share with you exactly what this post said, and I want to dive into this concept because I think it's going to serve you in a very powerful way in how you show up to the people that you love, the people that you like and the people that, well, you kind of feel like. Can you just get lost? I think it's going to help you show up, in a way, better way to all of those people.

Speaker 1:

First, I want to just invite you to know that today's episode is sponsored by Three Keys Investments. I love Three Keys Investments. They provide passive income opportunities that provide quality housing for humans. Through investments in multi-million dollar apartment and assisted living facilities, you can say goodbye to the hassle and headaches of owning rentals. You can say hello to living the life you want with the people you love, all while enjoying real ownership in real real estate. I absolutely love passive investing. Super Ed, steve and I are involved in passive and active investing and I'll tell you what. Receiving passive income, having just trusting the right operators with our money, is just such a beautiful thing. I love that our money is growing and we can focus on other elements of our life. It is absolutely amazing. So be sure you head on over to threekeysinvestmentscom and you can find a time book, a time on the calendar, or you can just download some information there. You can also learn how to apply to be a Three Keys investor. All right, conscious investor.

Speaker 1:

I might get in trouble for this, but I'm going to read this to you and I want you to listen to this and and it's well, I'm just going to read it to you. The post says and I'm going to read it verbatim, I'm not going to correct me, I'm just going to read it People cheer for people that don't need it. Parentheses, parenthesis. Think about why, in parenthesis, take a moment to look around you and see who you can raise up and needs it more than the person that is already thriving. I seriously, like even now, I'm getting choked up. It was actually a really alarming post and the responses were also really alarming because there were a lot of cheers for this, like, yeah, that's the way, yeah, you know right on.

Speaker 1:

And I was thinking about divisiveness and indiscrepancies in the world, kind of the haves that have nots and things like that. And I am a person that you know I like to root for the underdog, definitely a fan of that. But I have come to find, I've come to learn over the years being around a broad variety of people of various levels of success. I've come to find that I haven't found a single person that doesn't need encouragement. Now, here's the reality. I and I'm going to trust you with this conscious investor I'm going to be really vulnerable with this. A lot of times, people will even look my direction and think, oh, she has it together, she's successful, she's fine. And the reality is, yes, all of that can be true. And and it takes a lot, and it takes a lot, it takes a lot of dedication, a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of bandwidth, a lot of sacrifice, a whole lot of sacrifice, a whole, whole, whole lot of sacrifice. And it makes me think about last week's episode, right, when we were talking about what the guru forgets. And in last week's episode, when we're talking about what the guru forgets, it's pointing out that the guru, you know they, if we're talking about weightlifting, they were taking time and they built their bodies up so that they could bench press a thousand pounds. I'm exaggerating, right, but you and I probably aren't going to just go sit down our first time out bench pressing doing that. We have to do the reps to work ourself up.

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There's something that is relative in all of life. That same weightlifter might go try something new and they'd be brand new at it. They'd be successful in one arena. They might shift and transition arenas. Maybe that same weightlifter goes out mountain biking with me. They've got these really great big bulky muscles but they've never been out on a cross country trail and they're used to the technicalities of it or having that stamina, the cardiovascular stamina, right. So they're all these, they're going to come into that and they're not going to perform as well.

Speaker 1:

Things are so relative. You might be trying to place your first implement. Maybe you're trying to pick up a duplex or something on your own and absolutely overwhelming. You know when most people start things it feels overwhelming. The reality is is that that is that staircase, very similar to what we're talking about last week. Those are the staircases that just built. It's not that it gets easier. You develop skills along the way. So in that regard, it seems easier. It seems like why do we need to cheer anybody on Thriving, they're happy, they're fine, they don't need our cheers. But the reality is is that as we progress in life, we're still being stretched. So maybe you're not buying a duplex right now, maybe you're going out and you've already bought your duplex and you've done that and remember you don't have to start with duplexes or single family. You can start in other ways. Let's just say that you are going out and you purchase and you've had this investing experience that felt like the weight of the world, so big, so monumental. And then over the years, now you're buying your first 500 unit apartment complex. It's still a first and it's going to stretch you and it's going to have stress involved and it's going to have all sorts of other things involved. It's massive.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we can think about relationships in this way. It was really hard to ask your significant other out on the first date, maybe, and then it got easier. But then when you want to step into a really intense commitment like marriage, you're like oh wow, this just took on this whole new level. It's relative for state asking for someone to marry you. It's relative. I know for me that while I have so much going on, that while I have so much going on. I need that encouragement just as much, I think, as somebody else. It was really discouraging to me to see that somebody would actually suggest that, well, you don't need to encourage people if they're at the top or if they're thriving.

Speaker 1:

Here's the other element that I know and Conscious Investor, you've been listening for a while. You probably know my, remember my background in my early 20s, being suicidal with a smile on my face. So when I hear people say we don't need to encourage people that are thriving, how do we know people are thriving? What is our, what is our calibration for that, so that we know that they genuinely are thriving? Because I know a lot of people who, on the surface, would look like they are thriving, like they are rock stars, but there might be one area in their life where it is absolutely overwhelming to them. In fact, over the last year I've been in situations where I've been around people that have been married for decades right, more than 20 years and they're dissolving their commitment, their relationship. On the surface it probably looked like they were thriving and everybody was oblivious and everybody's surprised. I know both of those two in particular absolutely stunned me. I'm like what they were? Kind of like the it type couple right? I want us to be very mindful, conscious investor, that we're not throwing labels around, that we're not just simply saying they're thriving. They don't need my encouragement, they don't need that support. But you know what? What this person, in my perception, looks like they really need it and so I'm going to go give it to them. We might be surprised at who actually needs the support.

Speaker 1:

Over the last six months I've done a lot and I've been traveling a lot and I've been pouring out and outputting a lot and for me, one of the things that refills my bucket is encouragement from others, from outside sources. Now I operate my world. It's very internally driven, which is really important Because that's the way you sustain something in life. You can't be sustaining yourself off of everyone else and off of the feedback. You have to be living life from the inside out. But I'll sure say that it sure feels good, feels like a beautiful spring rain, when people come by and give me words of encouragement or something. Just let me know that they're seeing what they're doing. Kind of like when you guys leave reviews no joke. When you leave reviews on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I feel deeply encouraged and it reminds me I'm doing something bigger. It's not just about me and it's serving people. Again, I can't think of anyone who doesn't need encouragement. Again, I can't think of anyone who doesn't need encouragement. In fact, I would even suggest that people in levels of success, where it's the perception of success from the world, they may need it more. And leaders leaders, definitely, definitely need encouragement. I don't know if you've ever led something Conscious Investor, but it's exhausting and that's not a bad thing. But when somebody comes by and recognizes your efforts and pours into you, it feels amazing. It doesn't take much. It doesn't take much.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing we want to encourage people, all people. We want to be generous with kindness because it's free. And what would the world look like if we weren't so busy categorizing and labeling people? But if we were just kind and generous with all people Like. But if we were just kind and generous with all people like. Imagine a world like that. Imagine if you didn't have to earn my encouragement and my cheers for you because of my perception. What if you could just have my encouragement because you are you, if it was uncorrelated? How awesome is that? So I want to encourage you as you were going about this week.

Speaker 1:

Put your label maker aside and I I am a recovery like I. I know how to make labels so well and I'm becoming more aware of it and I'm excited I'm becoming more aware of it because that means that I'm ready. I'm ready to go through another growth, growth stage or phase in that particular area and I want to invite you to go through this part of this phase with me of set the label maker aside. My grandma used to have one of those little quickie label makers the old school ones. You might remember them I forgot what they're called, but just put it aside.

Speaker 1:

Receive all people equally, because we are all humans. We are all deserving of that encouragement, of that praise, and whether we like the person, whether we love the person or whether we wish that person would just get lost, we can still show kindness, we can still offer encouragement to those people, because our encouragement and our kindness should never be contingent upon who the other person is and in fact, especially if it's somebody that we wish would just get lost, maybe that person needs more encouragement. Maybe that's the person if we want to label. But remember we're putting the label and make her away. I know, had to see I'm recovering with this. We're going to catch it.

Speaker 1:

It's an interesting challenge, and I'm wondering I've also wondered if I'm missing something on this. I'm wondering if I'm looking at this more from my own position of growth with labels and wanting to treat people equally, and so maybe you are hearing all this in a different way. Conscious Professor, I'd love to know that. You see, this conversation shouldn't just be a one-sided. This isn't about Julie just saying all my own views and perspectives. Use this conversation as a conversation piece. Use this episode as a way to go deeper, to spark a conversation that is going to ignite movement in your life and in the people around you.

Speaker 1:

I like that this person had that post and I like that it got under my skin and I like that. I was curious about that and I appreciate that I was willing to think about this in a thoughtful way, willing to think about this in a thoughtful way, but I'm also aware that life is a disco ball, and so I still might only be on just a few of those mere facets on the disco ball, and so I want to be aware of what else is out there. To shoot me a message, you could head over to Instagram and you could message me at. The handle is at I'm sorry, you know the handle thing the conscious investor podcast. I would absolutely love to hear from you, conscious investor, and also appreciate it If you took time to share this episode with someone that you think this be a great conversation to have with. And now, if you're hearing this and someone shared it with you, don't judge them, don't label them right. They're just sharing because they want to have a great conversation and not because they're trying to get you to think or believe or do something. Okay, I am making an assumption. I appreciate you, conscious Investor, and I'd love to be in contact with you.

Speaker 1:

I have a ton of free resources available for you. In fact, if you just shoot a text message, I can send you the skeleton of the book that I'm working on that's called Beyond Financial Freedom A Conscious Investor's Guide to Personal Freedom. You can have that delivered directly to you. If you text this number and this is my business number. It's not I'm not giving up my personal number anymore and that's like a big growth movement for me but this is my business number and it does come directly to my phone, my personal phone. I get it right here and I get to respond to you from my phone.

Speaker 1:

So it is still. You are still getting Julie, you're not getting anybody else. Okay, but you can text 208-944-1836. And when you text that number, just type in freedom F R E E D O M and I'm going to send you your own copy of beyond financial freedom. Okay. So text 208-944-1836. Text the word freedom and I will send that your direction. You are amazing. Watch this investor and I'm excited for the week ahead of you. Until next time, cheers to your health mindset, thank you.

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