The Conscious Investor

Ep510 How to Stay Forever Young

Julie Holly

Imagine feeling forever young, both in mind and body. This episode of the Conscious Investor Podcast is all about uncovering the secrets to maintaining a youthful spirit. Join me, Julie Holly, as I share personal stories, like the simple joy of building Legos with my son, to illustrate how nurturing our inner selves is crucial to a fulfilling life. Learn how focusing on internal growth and meaningful experiences ensures that our external pursuits, including financial goals, don’t overshadow the most important aspects of our lives. This journey is for anyone looking to live a balanced and vibrant life, rich with purpose and joy.

We also explore how creating powerful and beautiful living environments can contribute to our overall success and well-being. Discover how we've cracked the code to provide strong returns for our investors while enhancing the living conditions of the communities we serve. From the importance of simplicity to living with curiosity and wonder, we discuss how to repurpose our experiences to craft beautiful futures. Join us as we toast to your health, mindset, and wealth, celebrating a life where staying forever young is not just a dream but a daily reality. Cheers to a journey full of growth, both personally and professionally!

Speaker 1:

Hello Conscious Investor and welcome back. I'm your host, julie Hawley. For over four years, I've paired my background in real estate, investing, education and coaching to create powerful content for you each week. This podcast is where we take a holistic approach to investing by focusing on three ingredients to a life of personal freedom health, mindset and wealth. We'll talk about everything from passive investing through syndication and how to use your retirement accounts to boost your investing, to mineral balancing and gut brain health, and into topics that cultivate your inner strength and resilience so you can thrive regardless of any of life's current events. And yes, those are all episodes currently available and linked in the show notes below. Join me each Monday for a mindset episode and later in the week for an interview with expert investors and health professionals, so that you can experience your greatest health, strongest mindset and build the wisest wealth.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back, or welcome to the Conscious Investor Podcast. I am your host, julie Holley, and I love Mondays. I absolutely love these days where you and I get to hang out with Conscious Investor and dive deep into substance and meaning, tangle apart different concepts and really grow internally so that we can show up to the world powerfully. Today, we are going to talk about staying forever young, but before we do that, I just want to remind you that I am on a mission, but it's not a personal mission. That's why this is called the Conscious Investor and not the Julie Hawley Show. This isn't about Julie Hawley. This is about something so much bigger and while I deeply value financial freedom it is wonderful and it is definitely worthy of pursuing what I've noticed over the years is that so many people have a singular pursuit of chasing after financial freedom and ultimately bankrupting the best parts of their life. It makes me really sad. My goal is to emancipate people from the shackles of chasing financial freedom so that they can live into the fullness their DNA pre-qualifies them for, because our greatest life it's not contingent on our net worth and when we're in our last days, we're not going to be worried so much about the money. We're going to worry, you're going to be more mindful of the impact that we have left behind by the life we've led. Yes, financial freedom is important and it's beautiful and we should strive for that, but not at the sacrifice of the other meaningful parts of our life that we are created for. So, conscious Investor, as this show resonates with you, I want to encourage you please share this show. I can't do this alone. It's not the Julie show, it's the Conscious Investor show and if that resonates with you, then please be an ambassador and help spread the show to your family, to your friends, to the people that you care about, that you think are going to benefit from the show.

Speaker 1:

All right, forever Young let's go ahead and dive into that. I remember when I was I don't know, maybe around sixth grade or so, dating myself. There is the song forever young, you know, and just takes me back to a very specific era of my life and it's interesting because, I mean, people are always chasing after the fountain of youth. I see all these weird things on social platforms about these facial exercises to do so that you can still look young, and all these moisturizers. There are all these ways that people are trying to make their exterior shell look forever young. It's kind of weird, if you think Super Ed Steve points this out all the time. He's like it's really weird when you see someone and they should look like they're in their 70s or 80s and they don't. So that's kind of a weird, weird dichotomy. Right, and don't worry, it's not limited to our physical exterior shell. We take collagen, we do all these other things, take all these supplements, fish oil and all these things right To care for our joints and our brain health, and we do things to our internal being as well, but it's still part of our physical shell that houses our soul. What is it that we do for us as humans to internally, keep us forever young? Because I've told Little Miss her entire life, beauty flows from the inside out. So let's just say youth should flow from the inside out. So what are some of the hallmarks that keep us young? This is what I discovered.

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I was thinking about how I used to build with Legos with my guy when he's about three years old. Three, four years old, we used to buy the little Lego sets and we'd have the instruction manuals out, and I was trying to teach some business principles. This is where some of my parenting was definitely very misguided. I thought that I could control my children and make them into super humans, whatever that meant. How would I have known if they were supposed to go into XYZ business or what have you? But there we were.

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It was a lot of fun, though, and we were building Legos and he'd be the company that would hire me as a manufacturer. I would source out the different resources that he needed to build the product. And so I'd put the little pieces on the page, the instruction manual, and we would, we would build. It was so much fun. And during those those early years, right, you bought the kit. You got to see on the package this is what you're building, this is what it looks like in the end product. And you gain experience. So you start to understand this part does this, and if I use this block, I can do that. And and there's this understanding that is growing through that experience, and over years, over years, we ended up with quite a large quantity of Legos, right, and so he ends up with this entire I mean just like just bins and bins of Legos, and I think that's the best thing in the whole world.

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He would play with his Legos for hours upon hours and built. And when I'd go back in later in life, you know, when he was older and I would be this sorcerer, I'd be like you know, he'd occasionally invite me to come build with him, which was such a privilege. So I'd go, I'd hang out, I'd build and he would tell me I need. He has a zero picture in front of him now, but he would tell me I need this type of part. I need a two by two, I need this little random part. He could tell me exactly, even these really odd parts, exactly what he needed. In his mind he could see what he was building and he could communicate to me what he wanted. He had developed experience in the early years of how the parts interact and play off of each other and what they can do as individual blocks, so that he could extrapolate and create his own. And really this is the essence of staying forever young.

Speaker 1:

During our early years of life, we gain a variety of experiences, and a lot of those experiences are directed experiences by the world around us. We probably go to school. We have parents around us, we have adults around us that are guiding and facilitating this experience of life so that we can understand how does life work. I mean like of life, so that we can understand how does life work. I mean, like you and I know, we learn so much more as we venture into adulthood on our own. But wow, I'm grateful for the scaffolding, that basic experience to understand this is how these pieces work in life when we grow up. So let me double down on that right. We gain understanding and experience while we're young.

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The secret sauce to being forever young is to continue to build with the curiosity. So now we can be more like my son. When he extrapolated, he took his knowledge and his understanding and his experiences and he used that to create something of his own. He followed the curiosity and the wonder. If we want to stay forever young it really is that simple we simply need to stay in that zone and to say what did these past experiences qualify me to create? Moving forward, how can these pieces of life play off of each other to create something else? Because as we engage and extrapolate in that curiosity, in that wonder, we will unleash that forever young youthfulness, that, from the inside out, that can never, ever, ever be taken away. It really is that easy. And that's all I've got for you today, conscious Investor. But let's just keep it fun, light and a little bit playful, because I'll tell you I know those last few episodes I've given you some serious challenges.

Speaker 1:

Here's something else I like to keep simple Investing in commercial real estate. I love keeping that as simple as possible. In fact, I love keeping what I call vanilla boring investments in our portfolio, because you know what? I just don't need any of the excitement. That's not fun for anybody and if you're following the investment space right now, you know that's not a fun place to play. So I like to keep things very, very simple.

Speaker 1:

So if you're interested and you would like to receive a free download for Syndication Made Simple, just text the word EASY E-A-S-Y. Just text the word EASY E-A-S-Y to my number, 208-944-1836. When you text EASY to 208-944-1836, I'll send you syndication made simple. Basically, how do we crowdfund all of our investments? In fact, one of my favorite investments right now is that we now have 208 units in the assisted living sector.

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I just love that space so much and we've been so effective at it. I feel like we've cracked the code and we're able to really support our investors with strong returns, while supporting this demographic in a very powerful way. And no, the way we optimize the businesses doesn't displace people. It actually creates a powerful, beautiful living environment and I love that. Talk about winning winning big. So make sure we keep things simple. Let's make sure that we live with curiosity and wonder, that we repurpose all of our experiences that we have and our understanding to create beautiful things, moving forward with our life so we can stay forever young. Until next time, cheers to your health, your mindset, your mindset and your wealth, thank you.

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