The Conscious Investor

Ep518 3 Keys to Unlock Your Next Breakthrough

Julie Holly

Have you ever wondered if financial freedom could go hand-in-hand with inner strength and resilience? Today on the Conscious Investor Podcast, I reveal my personal journey towards holistic investing and the critical balance between health, mindset, and wealth. By sharing transformative experiences like working with a certified high-performance coach and joining a writers guild, I uncover how overcoming imposter syndrome can lead to significant breakthroughs in life.

Pushing through discomfort is not just a necessary evil but a vital component for personal growth. In this episode, I discuss the exhaustion that comes with major decision-making and why embracing inconvenience is crucial for transformation. From early accountability group sessions to extensive travel for growth-oriented interactions, disrupting routines attracts opportunities and like-minded individuals who propel us forward. The upcoming Conscious Investor Growth Summit promises to support you in achieving a fuller, more balanced life.

Lastly, I introduce the "Passage to 2025" coaching program, emphasizing the power of being coachable and surrounding oneself with the right mentors. This five-month journey aims to maintain and amplify your progress through the holiday season and into the new year, focusing on health, mindset, and wealth. By joining this program, you’ll start 2025 with strong, sustained momentum. Don’t forget to support the podcast by leaving ratings and reviews on platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts—your feedback means the world to me!

Speaker 1:

Hello, conscious Investor and welcome back. I'm your host, julie Hawley. For over four years, I've paired my background in real estate, investing, education and coaching to create powerful content for you each week. This podcast is where we take a holistic approach to investing by focusing on three ingredients to a life of personal freedom health, mindset and wealth. We'll talk about everything from passive investing through syndication and how to use your retirement accounts to boost your investing, to mineral balancing and gut brain health, and into topics that cultivate your inner strength and resilience so you can thrive regardless of any of life's current events. And yes, those are all episodes currently available and linked in the show notes below. Join me each Monday for a mindset episode and later in the week for an interview with expert investors and health professionals, so that you can experience your greatest health, strongest mindset and build the wisest wealth. Welcome back, or welcome to the Conscious Investor podcast.

Speaker 1:

Conscious Investor, I'm grateful you're here. I love these Mondays when it's you and I talking about mindset, and today we're talking about something so critical and I think a lot of you are so excited about having that next great breakthrough. And today we're gonna talk about three elements that can usher in that next breakthrough in your life. I wanna take a moment and just give a quick reminder about the Conscious Investor community and movement, and I want to remind us that this is a belief that a great life is not dependent on our net worth, and while I love financial freedom, it becomes a distraction to so many people. So the goal of the conscious investor movement is to emancipate people from the shackles of chasing after financial freedom so that they can live into the fullness of their DNA, that their DNA pre-qualifies them for, and I wonder what would the world look like if everyone did this. Now, please again hear me correctly. Financial freedom is phenomenal, right, and it's something that we want, but our money is going to amplify whatever and whoever is within us, and so we want to make sure that, as we are growing and grooming and cultivating our net worth, that we are also doing that with our health and with our mindset. It's so critical and in fact, you could join us at the Conscious Investor Growth Summit March 6th through 9th this March at the Lake Coeur d'Alene Resort. I will give more information on that at the end and I'm also going to give a special invitation that is very time sensitive at the very end about a special opportunity that is very, very limited. I can't wait to invite some people into my inner circle, so just stay tuned to the very end to learn more about that. Now we want to talk about how are we going to get our next breakthrough in life, and the reason I phrased it like that is like I had another working title for this episode. That was like what got you here won't get you there, and this really stems from a reflection on my own journey and how I got where I am now and a choice I made recently that is going to change the future of everything in very massive, huge ways, and so I want to walk through that process.

Speaker 1:

Years ago, I worked and it is years ago now. I worked with a certified high performance coach, and the reason I chose to do that was that I was so tired of floundering. I was maybe 40. I think I was about 40 years old, maybe a little different. I was definitely on the 40 or older side. It was not in my 30s. I started having all the breakthroughs in my 30s. That's when I joined a writer's guild. I did some different elements that really stretched me and I noticed in joining the writers guild, as much as that was a massive stretch in my life because I was still very timid. I couldn't say I'm a writer. I felt like an imposter, like if you feel like you have imposter syndrome, conscious of a master. Let me just say I can completely relate Okay, cause I. I felt like I couldn't even utter those words, that they were so coveted that how could I even call myself a writer and they still welcomed me into this very private, amazing writers guild and it influenced my life in powerful ways.

Speaker 1:

When I was in my forties and I started down the commercial real estate investing path, I could see that there was so much more. In fact, I could see the makings of the conscious investor, although I could not have called it that way back then, and when I look back I can actually. Even then I understood life is more than net worth, life is more than our monetary investing, and I can see that people are not seeing the full potential and scope of the potential and opportunity of life. And so I could see it around me and I could see it within myself. I was so incredibly frustrated, everything that I had been doing on my own, all of the reading and the type of people I was surrounding myself with, I still was unable to access the potential that I could see inside.

Speaker 1:

Then I started working with I remember one of the first sessions before I hired this amazing performance coach and I remember, uh, talking with him and saying I just know I have so much more and I'm getting tired, I'm getting worn out, trying to unlock it and figure it out. And it seems from it was the exploratory session we just wrapped up. It just seems that you will be able to help me unlock this whole different dimension to my life. I am so glad that I made that decision and we had a really and still do had a really great coaching relationship for years and that allowed me to better understand myself and why I was showing up in the world and how, the way I was, and it grew in internal confidence. Now, you know, faith is central in my life, so that gives me a certain anchor in my life. And then there's still our responsibility to say well, why am I? Why am I being quiet or timid? Like I should be confident in these other ambitions that I'm qualified for, you know, just by my DNA. Like I need to groom and zero in and hone these skills, talents and abilities and why am I being timid about this and why am I not just taking those steps? So I was able to close that gap between potential and possibility while working with this performance coach and I'm so glad it alleviated so much frustration. It definitely collapsed timelines in my life. It allowed me to create an amazing company and really that is a huge support to the conscious investor.

Speaker 1:

I remember when my coach said, when are you going to launch your podcast? And he wanted it in just a matter of days and weeks and I said I can't do it that quickly. And that's when I settled on March 2nd of 2020. I said, well, I want to do it on a date that's special and meaningful to me so that I always remember it in a very endearing way. But those pushes, like a true coach does, asking the questions nobody wants to ask, putting that onus to say when are we taking action.

Speaker 1:

Many of my coaching clients feel the same. I know they feel the same way. I know that many of them have transitioned careers or opened their own companies because they've worked with me and it's like, okay, what are we doing? Where are we going? And I also know the other element of working with that particular performance coach, something I offer my clients as well at this time, and that is hey, I can do so much on my own and I can do the mechanics and I can check boxes, you know, got the morning routine down, got these things down.

Speaker 1:

But there are some things inside of me, some habits that I have allowed to just linger in my life that need to go away. I used to allow doubt to lead to massive delay in my life on things that were most important to me, and there are other elements that were just these open cognitive loops that kept me distracted, so I couldn't show up in the fullness of who I'm created to be, and we were able to go back and resolve so many of those, and it's such a beautiful thing. I think about the clients that I'm blessed to work with now and how we're able to resolve so many challenges and open cognitive loops so that they're all like, oh, what? That's no longer a thing. Let me hop on a plane, or let me write that letter to that person in my life, or let me like. There's so many really cool opportunities for us to um, to really understand ourselves better in the circumstances and situations better so that we can show up in the way we want to show up. So this is a very long winded way of saying and I've never spoken about this in this capacity on the show, so it's kind of interesting even to me. But all of that to say is working in that initial hype with my initial coach was really powerful.

Speaker 1:

But then I had a drought for two years and I knew that it was time to transition from that coach into a different coaching relationship. And that's really important that we understand who are we inviting into our lives. And has this reached? Has it blossomed into what the beauty that it's supposed to? And is this, has this reached its? Has it blossomed into what it the beauty that it's supposed to? And is it time for me to transition?

Speaker 1:

And in this case, I knew I needed to make a transition. I've been coaching now for a few years and I knew I needed some different support in my life for the things that I wanted to accomplish. But seriously, I searched for two years. I would court different coaches and kind of look in and man, I think that's the person I remember telling Super Ed Steve so many times like, oh my gosh, I think that this is going to be the person. And then I would look a little bit more and maybe I'd have a conversation with the person because I was listening to their podcast or watching them on social. And so I'd actually have a conversation with the person because I was listening to their podcast or watching them on social, and so I'd actually have a conversation and realize I don't feel the connection that I know I need in order for this to be the coaching relationship that I want. That's going to draw out everything out of me.

Speaker 1:

And then recently I took a trip very unexpectedly to book camp right when a bunch of authors people writing their books are gathering together to learn about the process, how to be effective with that process, and that's where I met the mentor that I chose to hire recently and the reason. I trust me. This is going to get into our three keys for you, but I hope you're hearing kind of the foundation of how this comes about. I knew right away I would want to work with this person. This person, even while they were presenting this person, was breathing life into me and restoring joy back into my writing and just affirming the fact that we need to be curious in life and that are a good book, because we're talking about books at that point. But a good book isn't written from knowing, but it's from sharing the curious discovery of things with our readers, with our friends, and so there was so much substance there. And then we met a few different times and I felt very seen.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever felt that like the conscious investor, where someone actually sees your potential and you can tell that they're not going to change you, to change you and to change your message, but they're going to enhance everything about your message and who you are? And but they're going to enhance everything about your message and who you are and what you're trying to accomplish in the world? I love to say, I would love to believe, and I'm confident in saying this, that that's how I approach my clients and those are my. That's why I love the clients I have is because we have that type of relationship where it's they know I'm on, I'm so sold out on you and I'm on your side and I'm going to tell you if you've got something in your teeth. But at the same time, we're going to have so much fun in this process and that's an element that's important to me is, we should have fun, right? I don't want to create anything in life out of a position of drudgery and I just have to get this done and it's a burden in my life and like let me just write this book because I have to write this book. No, it should be fun and joyful and curious, just like these podcast episodes. It's a different tone in a podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

If I'm, you know, energetic and joyful and, admittedly, conscious Investor I apologize, because I think there was this little spot recently where I didn't have as much energy and that was actually you get to understand this better now Conscious Investor that was me processing a lot of major, big decisions and trying to decide and determine the trajectory for the conscious ambassador and for so many parts of my life, and so in that process I did lose some energy. When we are trying to make decisions, it can very much be debilitating and can very much suck the very best things out of life. And while we need to take time to weigh and measure our decisions, we also do need to decide and take action. And so I'm so glad that I made some very big, clear decisions and then I started taking actions, action. And now what we can't do is, once we decide and take action, we can't go back and to the decision and say, well, maybe I shouldn't have made that decision, maybe I should have done that. No, no, no, you're in momentum, you're in a totally different spot. So be taking action and making the decisions from where you are now. It will totally ignite the energy in your life. So how does this relate to you and your big breakthrough? How does, how does Jules breakthrough relate to you?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, the first thing that I noticed is that it's imperative that we allow ourselves, that we are willing to get uncomfortable. When I joined the Writers Guild, I got super uncomfortable. In fact, I reached out to my best friend and said I want to become a writer. I write, but I actually want to become a writer. She connected me up with this other person, the first email I ever sent this woman. I was so embarrassed and intimidated because I thought it had to be all perfect. And what if I don't write this the right way? This writer isn't going to want anything to do with me, but I allowed myself to step into that discomfort through. We want to assess and evaluate. Where am I feeling this resistance? Almost like one of those I think of that movie, the abyss. There are lots of other things where there's a plasma around you I think Aquaman probably has this also where you can push against it. You're on one side of it, you can push against it and you can kind of go through it and it will kind of wrap around you. So think about our discomfort. Like this, we can see exactly where we want to go, but to get there we are going to have to push through this uncomfortable membrane in order to get there. And it's fair that it is like this. It is fair that this process is like this.

Speaker 1:

Super Ed Steve and I were speaking recently and I was explaining. I can understand why, let's say, for example, john Maxwell isn't going to hop on a phone call with me. He has done a lot more. It doesn't mean he's a better person and that we're not equal as humans and that we don't have dignity and all of that. It doesn't. It's not. That is that he's had so many other experiences um, growing and serving the world that he's not going to hop on the phone with me at this time. Now, as I grow and have experiences, maybe we're going to end up hopping on a phone call. Um, I think, I think I'd rather pop on a call with Ryan holiday right now, but, um, so if you can connect me up, conscious Advisor, that'd be awesome.

Speaker 1:

But all that to say is that when we allow ourselves to get uncomfortable, it actually changes the trajectory of our life. When we invite that in and it changes the type of people that are going to gravitate around us, we're going to upset one group of our life because they just want to keep us right where we are, because it fits the narrative that they have for us in their life. It's way easier. They want me to stay where I am, and that's not where I'm supposed to stay, and they want me to be a version of myself for them, and that's not who I'm supposed to be. So I I need to break away. That doesn't necessarily mean we have to break off and injury friendships and stuff, but sometimes it just naturally creates distance, and now I'm going to step into this discomfort of being around some people that stretch me in a very uncomfortable way. So step in and invite that discomfort into your life.

Speaker 1:

The second thing that we have to accept is that we need to be inconvenienced If you want to have a breakthrough in your life, you better invite massive inconvenience in your life, maybe that's. I remember years ago the pandemic had just taken place and I did not want to lose my momentum. And so, in that process, I started an accountability group and we met at, I think, 4, four, 30 in the morning, uh, pacific time and and so for the East coasters that was far easier. For me it meant I had to be up super early and then I had to be. I I'm not going to get all gussied up for, you know, for this call Cause I'm going to go work out. But so, uh, these, these bro friends of mine, are going to see me just in the. I just woke up out of bed. I inconvenienced myself. I woke up early.

Speaker 1:

I have traveled, and you know that traveling from North Idaho, conscious, but you've heard me talk about it enough. It's a whole day travel on either end. It's a whole day of travel, okay. And so I inconvenience myself to put myself around other people. That inconveniences my time, it inconveniences the natural structures of my life, it inconveniences my family and disrupts that normal routine. It inconveniences my finances. It's all sorts of inconvenience must be invited into our life if we want to have a breakthrough. Okay, and that's very complimentary to being uncomfortable. But we can be uncomfortable and yet still strive for our convenience, like, oh, you know what, I'm going to go to the retreat or the mastermind that's close to my house or that I can drive to. We're going to just start creating the space where we're trying to keep the conveniences centered. We're trying to keep the conveniences centered when we want massive breakthrough in our life. We have to just say you know what? This is going to be massively inconvenient and that's okay. I'm going to make this happen.

Speaker 1:

Recently you're going to hear me talk about it a lot on the podcast, because it is a huge change. It is something that I'm so excited about. It is something that I'm so excited about. But I recently hired a new mentor into my life and I completely inconvenienced every single part of my life. Like every single part of my life, I had to move meetings, I had to make arrangements with Super Ed, steve, for our family so much of my life completely inconvenienced for this one day meeting in person from West Coast to East Coast, like I'm flying out for a one day meeting. I've never done that in my life. I've never been that so committed to a process, and I also have the confidence to know that when we're committed at that level to a process, there is something really extraordinary that is going to take place, and I am so excited about that, absolutely excited.

Speaker 1:

Where are you willing to inconvenience yourself? And if you are married, is your spouse also on board and willing to be inconvenienced? Because, super rad Steve, he has been inconvenienced so many times over the years of okay, I'm traveling to speak at this event, I'm traveling to go to this mastermind, although a lot of times he gets to go to the private masterminds with me, which is super fun. So, first right, number one, we have to be willing to get uncomfortable too. We must allow ourselves to be inconvenienced. Those two things are the foundation of your next massive breakthrough. However, if you do not have this final elements, don't even bother. Just stay in the comfort zone. Don't be inconvenienced, please. And thank you. Okay, this last one is what ties them all together.

Speaker 1:

This last key is is, literally, if it was a key being put into a lockbox, this is the one that it's like the final little click that opens everything, opens the new opportunity, and that is we must be willing to be coachable and influenced, and this is why it's so critical. This is why I took two years before making a commitment to a mentor, because I know that I'm going to be deeply influenced by whoever I am inviting into my life, and I also know I'm going to have to show up and be extremely coachable. So I want to ask you show up and be extremely coachable. So I want to ask you are you willing to be coachable? And that means for me, I had to show up on that one day meeting and in subsequent meetings I have to show up with this more brain capacity, right, I have to be willing to show up. And then I have to be willing to do the work, the work of you know, digging in my brain and my heart and my soul, like digging around for all of this, so that we can put it together and build something beautiful. Cause, that's what we're doing. We're going to build something, and it's so exciting. I cannot even wait. Um, as it, as it takes more form, I will keep you in the loop.

Speaker 1:

Coach as a buster. Uh, however, we, if we're not coachable, if not willing, if we're going to just simply make excuses if our, if our mentor shows up better. Yet sometimes, um, I will ask a client a question, a coaching client of mine, and I will ask you know, like hey um, coaching client of mine, and I will ask you know, like hey um, ask them an insight, a question about wherever they're at, and they might say, um, I don't, I don't know, and I might say back, like that's okay, like let's just take a moment, right, I asked a lot of different questions, um, and I wish I had a specific experience, because it happens so often. But the clients that make the progress are the ones that are willing to say I don't know, let me have a moment, I don't know. I need to think about that and then really think about it and in the right space, like in our coaching sessions, we have time to think about it. That's that's why I hire, hired another mentor into my life, that's why I hired a coach in the past, that's why people hire me.

Speaker 1:

Is you're going there just like you would to a personal trainer, to say, hey, trainer, hold me accountable to doing these reps. Or, hey, trainer, show me how I need to develop this tricep muscle so I don't have the old granny wave in my 40s? How is everyone? If I'm going to a personal trainer and I'm not willing to do the exercises, or I'm not willing to learn what they want to show me to get me where we both agreed I wanted to go. I'm not going to get there.

Speaker 1:

So this isn't just about our interior life, about our health and our mindset. This is also I'm sorry our wealth. This is also about how are we showing up physically Like every part of our life is influenced by. Are we willing to be coachable and are we willing to allow the right influences into our lives? I want to encourage you, conscious, Investor, to be a master gardener when it comes to the influences in your life. They will make or break you the whole. You know, the top five people that surround you are the people that you will become like, it is true.

Speaker 1:

So you want to make sure who am I surrounding myself by? That does not mean snub people around you that you might not want influencing you in a substantial way. It means lean into those relationships Because guess what, it's a give and take. We want to be influenced and we want to grow, but yet other people want to be influenced by us and they want to grow, and so we want to be a conduit. We want to let it flow through. I think of it as a waterfall, because I was recently at a waterfall with my best friend and we were swimming in the pool and the waterfall comes down, it pools and then it spills over and it continues and cascades down and has actually another waterfall down below Um and it continues down and it's just a sequence of waterfall pool, a little bit of flow, another waterfall. So that's how we want to be. We want to make sure the influences that are pouring into us are from pools that we want to go swim in someday, in every single possibility. And then we want to make sure that what is flowing out of our lives is helping other people elevate their lives.

Speaker 1:

If you want the next breakthrough of your life, you must allow yourself to get uncomfortable, you must allow yourself to be inconvenienced and you must be willing to be coached. It's an absolute must. Special invitation is that I am going to be long. I am launching it's already launched Um. It's called passage to 2025 and passage to 25 is really honestly created from um and deficit that I've seen in my life that I am closing the gap on in multiple ways. It is a five-month coaching program.

Speaker 1:

Now, ed Milet calls the remainder of the year separation season. He talks about this on his podcast a lot. He talks about how so many people are distracted and they are so full of the holiday parties and such that that part of the year that you can accomplish so much, it just gets wasted away. So an entire quarter of the year for most people is just wasted away to a lot of excuses and a lot of reporting and a lot of things that we don't need to be doing, and then oftentimes it's very easy to put on a few extra pounds during the holidays. So Passage to 2025 is designed specifically as a coaching program to say we're starting in September and we are going to work, we're going to be focused on our health, mindset, wealth, together, collectively, and we will have presence with our um, with the things that are important to us, including the holidays. But we are not just going to like, maintain momentum, we are going to amplify our momentum so that when we go into 2025, it's not just oh, yay, we're in 2025. It's we already have so much momentum that is carrying us there.

Speaker 1:

If you are tired of entering the new year and saying, oh, it's January, I need to start planning what I'm doing this year. If you are tired of looking back on the last few months of the year and saying like, oh, I really should have gotten that done. If you are wanting to show up with presence around you without compromising the goals that are dear to your heart, passage to 2025 is for you and it's only limited. It is limited to 12 people. I will be leading group coaching sessions once a month. They'll be 90 minutes long, so it's going to be a focused coaching time. But then we're going to have our community, not on social media, it's a private community off of the platforms Hallelujah. So we're not going to worry about ads and distractions. We're just going to have a space that is just our space, that's protected. And then we're just going to have a space that is just our space, that's protected. And then we're also going to have weekly accountability meaningful weekly accountability, in fact. I was telling a friend of mine. I bounced the idea. I said this is how I'm thinking. We're going to maintain accountability. I think it will be fun, and I believe it will be fun and I believe it will help us truly be true to the accountability into what we're striving for In all of the process, you will be calling the shots.

Speaker 1:

You're the helm of the ship, conscious Investor. I'm not going to say you have to do this workout, you have to have this nutrition plan, you have to have this business plan, you have to have this plan for the holidays. It's more about helping you design your life. You don't need somebody telling you how to design your life. You know what you need. Now we just need to build it out so that you can live into that.

Speaker 1:

So, if you want to hop into 2025 in such a powerful way, join me and we already have people in the. People that have signed up are just amazing people and I have a tendency of just trying such um people into my, my orbit, my ecosystem, that are just so, um, rich and endearing and, um, substantial and thoughtful. Like, I'm just so grateful for you, conscious Investor, and I have a feeling that this is something that's going. I know this will support you, so just say yes. It's not a substantial commitment and it's only five months long. If you're interested, then you need to send me an email. Send an email. Subject line passage to 2025. Send that to Julie at Julie Hollycom. Julia spelled J, u, l, I, e.

Speaker 1:

So sit, shoot me a message, join me, be part of the 12. There are, right now, um nine slots left, so be part of one of those people grabbing one of those last nine slots left. Those could go could go very quickly If it's three people that are in the group. I'm still super soaked, but I will tell you y'all will miss out if you are not part of this, because it's going to be so amazing. It will be one of my personal focuses over the next few months because I am truly passionate about supporting you in reaching and achieving that next breakthrough in your life and that part of your life just amplifying who you're already created to be. So, yeah, get yourself uncomfortable, inconvenience yourself a bit and then be coachable, because I promise you the results are there, the breakthrough is there and those who are in passage to 2025 are going to experience that All right. Conscious Investor, it's been so great hanging out with you.

Speaker 1:

Please, don't be a stranger. I love, I relish your ratings, your reviews. I found out now you can rate um. You can rate, at the very least, over on Spotify. So if you're one of the like 37% that listen on Spotify, please, um, leave a rate of review or a rating, whatever it is there. Um, but really one of the most meaningful metrics to support the show for free is if you leave a review, an actual written review, over on Apple podcasts. I love seeing those and so it would just mean the world to me if you took a moment to do that. Remember, over on Apple podcasts you have to go to the main show page, not the episode page, and then just scroll on down to the towards the bottom, and you'll see the five stars leave an honest rating, but little purple letters below it'll say write a review. So, um, it would literally, it makes my day when you guys leave a review. So if you haven't done it for a while, or if you've never done it at all, don't be a stranger. We're friends. So I look forward to hearing from you again.

Speaker 1:

Passage of 2025. It's launching in September. That's when we'll start. It's already launched. There's still space. Inconvenience yourself, get yourself uncomfortable, be willing to be coached. Let's have that breakthrough. Cheers to your health, your mindset and your wealth. Thank you.

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